Work in Progress: The Phoenix and the Albatross

You, the Gestalt:


The Phoenix and the Albatross


You are a rusted relic of splendor and ruin.

A tarnished tine jutting from the roiled roots of your

Imperial past.

A Sepulchral Sun.


Rising and falling in Your perennial production.


To me

You shine

LED-like within Your bleak and pulsing nights that seem to stretch unparalleled into the continuum.

and I cannot flake myself from Your

tinder skin.


A clever thief, You are.

Humored and intrigued by my adolescent albatross

attempting flight and failing

and failing

and gloriously failing.

Clamoring over myself to





Painstakingly practicing the parts

of one simple act.


And You;

Effortlessly executing every element

fractured and flawless.

Each feather glowing.

Each wing a fortress.


Each death

a diamond.





This won’t last.

You’ll steal me just as You’d planned.


You’ll take all the parts You want

and leave the scaffolding scorched and barren.

You are a cruel game I play with myself.

It’s the only time I can predict who will win.

I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.


I just want

so badly

to be gracious in my ruin

and humble in my splendor.

Seamless as the sunrise.


I will never stop.

I will come back.

Even after it destroys me.


March Gigs!

Hey Folks!  2015 promises to be a year of musical growth and exciting new ventures.

I’ll wax all dreamy about it in an upcoming post.  For now, come out to any of the following gigs and I’ll be happy to splain it to you.

Much love and see you soon!


  • Sat February 28

Chance’s End

DanzHaus / The Gingerbread House

1275 Connecticut St, San Francisco, California 94107

FB invite


Tickets $13-$20


  • Friday, Mar 6th

GVO at NPE CLIF Bar Party

Grand Plaza Main Stage at the Anaheim Convention Center

6:00pm-6:30pm CLIF Bar Band: GVO

6:30pm-8:00pm Nahko & Medicine for the People


  • Sat, Mar 7th

Americano Social Club

Family Rucks!

Club Deluxe:

1511 Haight St, San Francisco, CA 94117


$5 at the door



  • Fri, Mar 13th

Americano Social Club

Café Stritch

374 S 1st St, San Jose, CA 95113



  • Sat, Mar 21st

Chance’s End

Mission Fusion

St. Gregory’s Church

500 De Haro Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

Lesson/ Dance lab from 8:30-9:30 Dancing from 9:30 to 1:00 am


  • Fri, Mar 27th

Americano Social Club



2424 Lincoln Ave., Alameda, CA

No Cover but I HIGHLY recommend the Potato Pancakes


  • Sat, Mar 28

Emily Zisman plays a private party.





Gigging and Radio and Recording OH MY!

Music Num Nums!

~Next Wednesday, I will be assisting Michelle Richter in a Blues Dance elective at Cat’s Corner in the Mission District for the final week of the blues elective series!

If you’ve ever been interested in learning how to dance to the Blues, here is an excellent way to start! Also, swing dance classes happening that same evening if you want to round out your repertoire.  Classes start at 7pm after which there will be much dancing to live music until midnight.

More information click HERE

~Sunday, January 25th Ryan and I return to KUSF in Exile 10am-11am for a live performance on the radio waves. We had such a great time hanging with DJ Webbles that we decided to do it again. He’s invited us back for another session! Tune in on Sunday to mellow through the morning and work off the remnants of Saturday night’s debauchery.   Tune in here: and consider donating to this wonderful community radio program.

~Saturday, January 31st Emily Zisman Band at Awaken Café!

Didja hear THAT?!  We will be a full band for the 2nd time EVER!  I’m stoked to be joined by some of the most talented people in the Bay Area and can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.

1429 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612

Doors at 7pm

Show at 8 pm



~Friday, Feb 6th

Americano Social Club



No cover AND there is BEER and Bratwurst!


~Saturday, Feb 7th

Americano Social Club

Club Deluxe


~Feb 9-10

In the Studio! (Wheeeeeeeeee!)

Exciting new musics for your earholes coming soon.


~Wednesday, Feb 18th


I’m SUPER excited to be partnering with the Community Housing Partnership to bring a talented guitar player to the stage at SF Jazz for a Night with the Stars!

“Each performer has experienced homelessness and been selected through an audition process. These talented individuals are paired with local artists who mentor them during months of preparation leading up to April’s performance at the SFJAZZ Center.” -CHP

“The Community Housing Partnership is the only San Francisco nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to providing supportive housing to formerly homeless individuals and families. Community Housing Partnership pairs affordable housing with support services, employment preparation, job training, a transitional employment social enterprise, and community organizing activities.” -CHP

Check out a Night With the Stars and I’ll be bringing you more information as we get closer to the Performance Date.

On the 18th, I’ll be demonstrating my skills for the community to start building momentum towards the main event on April 22nd.
The Hall

1028 Market Street btween 6th and Jones


Come out to support the CHP and I’ll send more information about the main event as it draws near.


I sign off by including a treat for you: My Friend Randy recorded this on the sly at Last Thursday’s Blush gathering with the Americano Social Club.  To Quote Randy: “notice how noisy the bar is at the beginning of the song. By the end, she totally pwned the place – you could have heard a pin drop.”  Please enjoy with my love! (Thanks Randy! <3)

Audio Player

EmZis January Haunts

Aaaaand we’re off!!


Aside from the yummy yummy music Funtimes that will be happening this month, I’ve also been invited to help instruct a Blues Dance elective at Cat’s Corner, a weekly Lindy Hop and Live Band extravaganza in the Mission.  I’ll be joining the effervescent Michelle Richter  at Balancoir every Wednesday Night (except the 14th).   For information about the bands, classes and to register, click here!



Saturday, January 3rd

Americano Social Club Family Ruckus

Club Deluxe

1511 Haight St

San Francisco, California
$5 Door



~Thursday, January 8th

Americano Social Club

Private Event


~Wednesday, January 14th

Rich & the Rhythm Roustabouts

Private Event


~Saturday, January 17th

Special video recording (its a surprize!)




~Sunday, January 18th

Appearing with Marty Atkinson

San Jose Farmer’s Market



~Sunday, January 25th

Take Two at the Hangover Sessions!

KUSF in Exile

Tune in at 9am here

Ryan and I will play live on air and I’ll list all the local bands I would take with me to a desert island.

I hope there will be enough coconuts.


~Saturday, January 31

Awaken Cafe

1429 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612

Opening up for Middlesleep

We will be appearing as a full band with the likes of Mike Bond and Andrew Balmat of Grand Avenue Soul and Bigelow’s Treehouse!  Also joining us is the Toledo Terror, Mr. Jeff Drudge on the bassophone.

Purchase tickets via the Facebook invite here





Happy Holidays from Emily and Ryan! Thank you for all of your support this year.

Hey folks!  Here’s a little something Ryan and I put together for all of you this holiday season.

We had an exciting year with the release of the newest album Weeds and Wildflowers and cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for us.  We’ve got some fun things already lined up for the new year and hope to see you in the very near future.

Until then, here is our wish for you this season:  We realize the lyric is “Christmas” but the sentiment is “ChristmaHannuKwanzikah.”

Please be sure to pay extra close attention to Ryan’s countenance in this video.  He is quite the ham.

Happy Holidums!

“Weeds & Wildflowers” officially released!


It’s HERE!  I am so excited to finally announce the official release of my newest folk-Americana album Weeds & Wildflowers.

This album has been three years in the making and my musical partner in crime and I have been working our butts off to make it sound amazing.  We had a bast making this music and sincerely hope that you enjoy it.

The album is available for purchase at most online music stores, including the ones below:

We would love it if you could help us get the word out!  A couple things that you can do to help are

  1. Share a link to the album on Facebook and Twitter.
  2. Give us a review or rate us on and CD Baby!

Thank you all for your encouragement and support.  We hope you enjoy the new tunes and keep your eyes open for information about the official CD release party we will be throwing to celebrate.  We hope you will be there!


A Fabulous Re-cap from Artist Gillian BenAry For Weeds&Wildflowers

My very talented and very good friend Gillian BenAry worked patiently with me as we sussed out the design for the new album. I am honored and humbled to have her as a part if the project and am looking forward to working with her again. Check out her blog and get a sense for her wonderful work here!

Pre-release sale for Weeds & Wildflowers

I’m unbelievably excited that my newest album Weeds & Wildflowers is almost released!

For those of you in San Francisco, we still have a few tickets left for the very intimate pre-release house concert October 25th right across from beautiful Golden Gate Park. Everyone who attends the concert will go home with an advanced copy of the CD album, so make sure you RSVP quickly!

For everyone else, you can now pre-order the album on CD or download.

Emily Zisman's latest album
Weeds & Wildflowers

Pre-order Weeds & Wildflowers for delivery on October 27th from these stores

Pre-release House Concert at The Blind Pig in San Francisco October 25th!

Ryan and I were SO delighted with the first house concert, we thought we’d do it again! We would like to extend this invitation so that MORE of you could enjoy the same cosy, intimate concert experience.

Our very good friends have offered up their beautiful home in San Francisco as a venue for our next very special, very cozy house concert on October 25th.

Doors and schmoozing at 6:30pm

We play at 7pm.

We will send out the address information as soon as we have our guest list!

There will be snacks provided and everyone goes home with an advanced copy of the new Album Weeds & Wildflowers. This record is still in pre-release so you will be some of the first to hold it in your hot little hands!

Please bring a bottle of your favorite beverage to share and so will I.

Click below to snatch up your seats! Hurry!

September Gigs

Lots Going on!!

~Saturday, Sept 6th (Tomorrow night!)
Club Deluxe
1511 Haight St, San Francisco, CA 94117

~Friday, Sept 19th
Appearing with Grand Avenue Soul
Eat Real Festival in Oakland!

The Palm Plaza Stage


~Saturday, Sept 20th

Private performance with

Americano Social Club

~Thursday, Sept 25th
Appearing with the Grove Valve Orchestra
A Fundraiser for Devoted to Children Foundation Haiti
Throckmorton Theater in Mill Valley
6pm –doors
To purchase online :

~Saturday, Sept 27th

Private Performance with

Rich & the Rhythm Roustabouts

~Sunday, Sept 28th  
Emily Zisman with Ryan Avery (SOLD OUT!) *

Houseboat Pre-Release party for Weeds & Wildflowers
Sausalito, CA
Email if you’d like to be notified about last minute availability