I’m a bit conflicted about this post because, on one hand, I wish it didn’t need to be done. But, on the other hand, I’m honored to have been included at this time when it needs to be done.
I wrote my song Bottle & Bowl in 2010 after Arizona proposed Arizona Senate Bill 1070. The Bill was signed into law in April of that year. The Federal Government ruled to uphold the bill but struck down three of the provisions as they were deemed in violation of the Supremacy Clause and the Constitution of the United States. The resulting “minor” civil unrest compelled me to highlight some perspective from the other side of the border.
This was back in 2010, almost a decade ago. I was HOPING that by this time, my little song would have lived its purpose and gone to rest peacefully, knowing it had served its full purpose as a small light in a dark corner.
But here we are, and the song has more work to do.
Bottle & Bowl is now one of a number of songs written about and for families being separated at our borders as they travel to the threshold of our country seeking asylum from a life that is unbearable.
This compilation is the result of a ton of love and work spearheaded by songwriter Annie Bacon, in partnership with WhistlePig Records, and including a number of amazing artists like Jimbo Scott of Poor Man’s Whiskey and Pete Donnelly of the Figs.
The compilation has even been mentioned in Billboard Magazine to inspire folks to donate this season.
Please consider purchasing either the album or a song or two. All proceeds go directly to Immigrant Families Together, meaning there are no middlemen scraping fees off of the top or sides.
Click on the link under the image to donate an amount of your choice.
Thank you for your support and I wish you a warm and loving Family Season.
-Emily Zisman